Community Health Partnerships

Over the years Rubicon has partnered with many different community organisations to create tailor made sessions with a specific health focus. Alongside our work in hospitals and residential homes, giving people access to dance in other areas of the community is equally as important.   

Currently, Rubicon works alongside Women Connect First, The Stroke Association, and CAVHB Community Neurological Rehabilitation Services to deliver high quality dance-health sessions.  

Women Connect First are a charity which works to empower black and ethnic minority women in Wales. They aim to offer BAME women education and training for employment, as well as relief from poverty and distress. Rubicon works with Women Connect First as part of their Women's Health First project. This initiative provides free opportunities for women to access health activities in their local community.  

At Minerva Street Day Centre we provide a regular community dance session for people recovering from stroke. This is a large session which helps participants to re-engage with movement and develop confidence. It also contributes to positive mental wellbeing during a time which can be very distressing.

 ‘‘I thought the first session I saw was brilliant! Anwen was lively and enthusiastic and the group love it. The group members are becoming more active, some of them have said to me that it really helps with their range of movement... I think it’s something most of them wouldn’t go and do elsewhere. The music was great, and I think that helped as they were all singing along and laughing or smiling – it made everyone really happy! The main barrier would probably be people being reluctant to try dance because they think they can’t do it because of physical difficulties, but we have quite a few people in wheelchairs and they still take part and enjoy it, so I think it’s pitched at a good level and there’s always easier ways to do some of the moves”.   

- Briony Hunt, Stroke recovery Service Co-ordinator 

We have also recently set up a session in partnership with the Community Neurological Rehabilitation Services through the Arts Team and Cardiff and Vale Health Charity, CAVUHB. This is a referral dance programme where people living with a range of neurological disorders can continue to exercise, be creative, and develop a social network alongside people living with similar difficulties. Participants are given a chance to develop greater independence and confidence to help their day to day living when they are discharged from hospital. 

By working together with partner organisations we can give individuals greater access to community initiatives, allowing them to feel motivated and connected to others. In turn, participants can feel healthier both physically and mentally, and have access to a space where they are free to express themselves and share their experiences. 

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