Personal Stories

Holly Vallis

Holly during her graduating showcase in 2015.

"Rubicon thoroughly prepared me with the skills to tackle the dance sector, from being able to execute an hour and a half long show in different dance styles to lesson planning for post graduate dancers".

Holly joined the Rubicon Full Time Preliminary Training Course in 2014 before continuing her vocational training at the prestigious Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance in 2015, where they graduated with a First Class BA (Hons). During her time at Rambert School, Holly worked on creations with and performed pieces by renowned choreographers such as Richard Alston, Theo Clinkard, Ashley Page and Wayne Parsons. Holly was also involved in student choreographies, some of which were chosen to be performed in collaboration with London Schools Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican, Central Saint Martins at the Platform Theatre and The Rambert School Collaboration 2017 at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

Between 2017 and 2018, Holly started working with Christopher Thomas as part of the Sadler’s Wells Young Associates Programme before joining TanzTheater Münster, where they performed in two different productions by Hans Henning Paar and Tiago Manquinho. Now Holly is working for Arielle Smith’s Project .Dot where they are involved in a Research and Development process, as well as a UK tour in 2020. Throughout Holly has assisted and taught dance classes for various institutions, which include teaching creative and choreography classes for Ballet Cymru’s Pre-Professional Programme.

Shanay Jenkins

Opportunities to expand your potential in dance: Shanay is a shining example of how Rubicon’s graduating alumni can diversify and progress successfully into the dance sector in Wales and beyond.

Shanay has benefited from further nurturing of her skills within Rubicon’s professional working environment having sustained a long term injury from a young age, which eventually limited her potential to progress into performance. Shanay thought that her prospects for a career in dance had ended but through guidance from Rubicon and sheer personal determination, interest and passion; along with a willingness to commit to volunteering, she was afforded a six month work placement at Rubicon, to build and refine her knowledge and understanding in health related dance provision.

Shanay has now commenced her studies at Cardiff Met to progress her interest in social care and community practice. Because of Shanay’s dedication to dance practice Rubicon continues to support her and offers her part-time work as an assistant to continue her exploration in community dance.

Esther KilBride, a dance practitioner at Rubicon who has guided and supported Shanay during her work placement said:

“Watching Shanay's skills and confidence grow over the last year has been a privilege and a pleasure. Her contribution to our dance and disability work has been substantial and I am so looking forward to seeing her progression and continued achievement as she sets out on her university degree.”

Esther along with all the staff of Rubicon would like to extend their very best wishes to Shanay in her studies.

Lowri Evans

Lowri performing at the Riverfront, in our 2015 graduating showcase.

Lowri progressed from Rubicon to study at London Studio Centre for 3 years and since has secured a role in the upcoming UK tour of AJ Live (from the BBC Strictly Come Dancing series), touring the UK, and coming to the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff on 18th March 2020. Good luck and best wishes from everyone at Rubicon Lowri!

Iestyn James

Iestyn at the Creative & Cultural Skills Awards, where he won the Wales Creative Learner of the Year Award.

Iestyn has been dancing with Rubicon since the age of 13. Initially joining through a community dance programme, he now trains there full-time as part of the Performing Arts Dance Pathway. Iestyn is an outstanding role model across the community and is an example of how young people can inspire other young people. He embraces all opportunities to work with guest artists and represents himself with creativity and professionalism.  Well done Mr J, and loving your Purple Award.  Iestyn will graduate in July 2020, and is currently auditioning for entry into a dance conservatoire to further his career aspirations.  We wish him luck in his auditions and hope to provide you all with an update on his progress in the summer 2020.

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