Dance Advocacy Award for Wales Wide Training Programme

We are absolutely thrilled to have won the Dance Advocacy Award for Wales Wide Training Programme, a programme managed by Rubicon since it was established in 2013. WWTP is supported by Arts Council of Wales and has twenty partners involved in the programme and a database of three hundred people working in dance across Wales.

“The One Dance UK Awards are an annual celebration for people from across the dance sector to unite, celebrate, acknowledge and reward the people who have made an impact on the vibrant UK dance landscape! Championing the excellent work of dance artists, teachers, practitioners, educators, schools, choreographers, companies, venues, scientists, and writers, this is a glittering evening of celebrations, all for those who contribute to the dance sector throughout the UK”.

On Friday November 19th the annual and prestigious One Dance UK Awards took place online. As an organisation Rubicon Dance was shortlisted in three categories which is extremely unusual for one organisation and something to be celebrated especially in the current climate.

We are so proud to have been shortlisted in the following categories… 

Education and Outreach – Rubicon Dance

Rising Star – Aisling Baxter, Rubicon Dance Practitioner

Dance Advocacy – Wales Wide Training Programme

We are absolutely thrilled to have won the Dance Advocacy Award for Wales Wide Training Programme, a programme managed by Rubicon since it was established in 2013. WWTP is supported by Arts Council of Wales and has twenty partners involved in the programme and a database of three hundred people working in dance across Wales.

“I have never felt so connected to dance across Wales as I have through Wales Wide Training Programme” 

Throughout the pandemic the programme responded to need and circumstance and developed to nineteen strands. WWTP was adapted to work online to enable as many people working in dance across Wales to be able to benefit from the many training opportunities the programme offers. From May 2020 to April 2021 WWTP organised 142 events and had attendances of 1,500. This is the first time that Rubicon has won a One Dance Award and we wish to thank the team at One Dance UK for organising the awards and to those who nominated us. Diolch yn fawr!

For more information on Wales Wide Training Programme please contact Tracey Brown, Mentoring, Training, Development Leader at Rubicon Dance

You can find WWTP on Facebook or please visit 


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This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and oversee the successful implementation of our exciting community programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i oruchwylio gweithredu llwyddiannus ein rhaglen gymunedol gyffrous.

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Work with Rubicon Dance: Operations Manager  /  Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Rheolwr Gweithrediadau

Work with Rubicon Dance: Operations Manager / Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Rheolwr Gweithrediadau

This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and take the lead in ensuring the overall quality of our extensive participatory programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i arwain y ffordd mewn sicrhau ansawdd gyffredinol ein rhaglen gyfranogol eang.

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Dance Advocacy Award for Wales Wide Training Programme

We are absolutely thrilled to have won the Dance Advocacy Award for Wales Wide Training Programme, a programme managed by Rubicon since it was established in 2013. WWTP is supported by Arts Council of Wales and has twenty partners involved in the programme and a database of three hundred people working in dance across Wales.

“The One Dance UK Awards are an annual celebration for people from across the dance sector to unite, celebrate, acknowledge and reward the people who have made an impact on the vibrant UK dance landscape! Championing the excellent work of dance artists, teachers, practitioners, educators, schools, choreographers, companies, venues, scientists, and writers, this is a glittering evening of celebrations, all for those who contribute to the dance sector throughout the UK”.

On Friday November 19th the annual and prestigious One Dance UK Awards took place online. As an organisation Rubicon Dance was shortlisted in three categories which is extremely unusual for one organisation and something to be celebrated especially in the current climate.

We are so proud to have been shortlisted in the following categories… 

Education and Outreach – Rubicon Dance

Rising Star – Aisling Baxter, Rubicon Dance Practitioner

Dance Advocacy – Wales Wide Training Programme

We are absolutely thrilled to have won the Dance Advocacy Award for Wales Wide Training Programme, a programme managed by Rubicon since it was established in 2013. WWTP is supported by Arts Council of Wales and has twenty partners involved in the programme and a database of three hundred people working in dance across Wales.

“I have never felt so connected to dance across Wales as I have through Wales Wide Training Programme” 

Throughout the pandemic the programme responded to need and circumstance and developed to nineteen strands. WWTP was adapted to work online to enable as many people working in dance across Wales to be able to benefit from the many training opportunities the programme offers. From May 2020 to April 2021 WWTP organised 142 events and had attendances of 1,500. This is the first time that Rubicon has won a One Dance Award and we wish to thank the team at One Dance UK for organising the awards and to those who nominated us. Diolch yn fawr!

For more information on Wales Wide Training Programme please contact Tracey Brown, Mentoring, Training, Development Leader at Rubicon Dance

You can find WWTP on Facebook or please visit 


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