It’s our 45th Anniversary!

To celebrate our 45th anniversary, all staff and board members of Rubicon will be moving for 45 miles over 45 days starting on the 1st of September. That’s right, we will be dancing, walking, swimming or even running 1 mile for each of the 45 years of Rubicon’s success.

This year we celebrate our 45th Anniversary and as we look back over the last 45 years, the beautiful memories just keep coming. From the projects we have developed with communities in Wales to the projects we delivered with our friends from abroad - Zimbabwe, Germany, Sweden, Romania just to name a few - the last 45 years have been truly amazing!

We wouldn’t have made it this far without our supporters, and to you all we would like to say Diolch yn Fawr Iawn!

Our friends from Romania have shared with us their memories of some of our partnership projects. It really is heart-warming to see the amazing adults that, the then young participants have become. We couldn’t be prouder of them! Thank you for sharing this amazing video with us all.





Tracey Brown, our Mentoring, Training and Development leader who’s been working with Rubicon for 25 years and has been part of Rubicon’s International projects has some fond memories to share.

I cannot believe 25 years have passed since I was appointed as a Dance Development Worker and since that time, I have had four roles and am now focused on mentoring and training. I was originally planning to stay no longer than three years at Rubicon! There are so many highlights for me but the success of the dance development programme and the sheer number of people from all backgrounds and all ages and abilities who we work with in a vast range of contexts is amazing. The Wales Wide Training Programme which Rubicon manages is also a highlight for me. This is a training programme for the community dance sector across Wales. This programme has built so well since 2013 and has done really well throughout the pandemic with 141 individuals getting involved in the programme through training, events and networking. I am really proud of all the work that Rubicon offers so many people. Long may it continue and here’s to the next forty-five years!

Adam Lloyd-Binding, Rubcion’s centre coordinator also said that “I've been here 14 years - I think my favourite thing is the fact that ex-students from years and years gone by, still get in contact asking about Rubicon, and dance opportunities.  Rubicon obviously leaves such a positive impact on people - it remains with them for years.  That level of emotional connection is unique in South Wales and resonates across the UK dance scene.

To celebrate our anniversary, all staff and board members of Rubicon will be moving for 45 miles over 45 days starting on the 1st of September. That’s right, we will be dancing, walking, swimming or even running 1 mile for each of the 45 years of Rubicon’s success.

Would you like to join the celebrations? Follow this link to know more!

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Rubicon Dance is signed up to the "Let's Dance" UK wide campaign on Sunday 2 March

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BTEC Open Days and Auditions 2025

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Work with Rubicon Dance: Outreach & Engagement Coordinator  /  Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Cydlynydd Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu

Work with Rubicon Dance: Outreach & Engagement Coordinator / Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Cydlynydd Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu

This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and oversee the successful implementation of our exciting community programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i oruchwylio gweithredu llwyddiannus ein rhaglen gymunedol gyffrous.

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Work with Rubicon Dance: Operations Manager  /  Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Rheolwr Gweithrediadau

Work with Rubicon Dance: Operations Manager / Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Rheolwr Gweithrediadau

This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and take the lead in ensuring the overall quality of our extensive participatory programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i arwain y ffordd mewn sicrhau ansawdd gyffredinol ein rhaglen gyfranogol eang.

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It’s our 45th Anniversary!

To celebrate our 45th anniversary, all staff and board members of Rubicon will be moving for 45 miles over 45 days starting on the 1st of September. That’s right, we will be dancing, walking, swimming or even running 1 mile for each of the 45 years of Rubicon’s success.

This year we celebrate our 45th Anniversary and as we look back over the last 45 years, the beautiful memories just keep coming. From the projects we have developed with communities in Wales to the projects we delivered with our friends from abroad - Zimbabwe, Germany, Sweden, Romania just to name a few - the last 45 years have been truly amazing!

We wouldn’t have made it this far without our supporters, and to you all we would like to say Diolch yn Fawr Iawn!

Our friends from Romania have shared with us their memories of some of our partnership projects. It really is heart-warming to see the amazing adults that, the then young participants have become. We couldn’t be prouder of them! Thank you for sharing this amazing video with us all.





Tracey Brown, our Mentoring, Training and Development leader who’s been working with Rubicon for 25 years and has been part of Rubicon’s International projects has some fond memories to share.

I cannot believe 25 years have passed since I was appointed as a Dance Development Worker and since that time, I have had four roles and am now focused on mentoring and training. I was originally planning to stay no longer than three years at Rubicon! There are so many highlights for me but the success of the dance development programme and the sheer number of people from all backgrounds and all ages and abilities who we work with in a vast range of contexts is amazing. The Wales Wide Training Programme which Rubicon manages is also a highlight for me. This is a training programme for the community dance sector across Wales. This programme has built so well since 2013 and has done really well throughout the pandemic with 141 individuals getting involved in the programme through training, events and networking. I am really proud of all the work that Rubicon offers so many people. Long may it continue and here’s to the next forty-five years!

Adam Lloyd-Binding, Rubcion’s centre coordinator also said that “I've been here 14 years - I think my favourite thing is the fact that ex-students from years and years gone by, still get in contact asking about Rubicon, and dance opportunities.  Rubicon obviously leaves such a positive impact on people - it remains with them for years.  That level of emotional connection is unique in South Wales and resonates across the UK dance scene.

To celebrate our anniversary, all staff and board members of Rubicon will be moving for 45 miles over 45 days starting on the 1st of September. That’s right, we will be dancing, walking, swimming or even running 1 mile for each of the 45 years of Rubicon’s success.

Would you like to join the celebrations? Follow this link to know more!

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